Source code for bioflow.bio_db_parsers.uniprotParser

The module responsible for parsing of the Uniprot SWISSPROT .dat file for a subset of
cross-references that are useful in our database.

Once uniprot is parsed, it is returned as the dictionary containing the following elements:

Uniprot = { SWISSPROT_ID:{
    'Names': {'Full': '', 'AltNames': []},
    'GeneRefs': {'Names': [], 'OrderedLocusNames': [], 'ORFNames': []},
    'TaxID': '',
    'Ensembl': [],
    'KEGG': [],
    'EMBL': [],
    'GO': [],
    'Pfam': [],
    'SUPFAM': [],
    'PDB': [],
    'GeneID': [], }}
import re
import copy
from bioflow.utils.log_behavior import get_logger

log = get_logger(__name__)

interesting_lines = ['ID', 'AC', 'DE', 'GN', 'OX', 'DR']

interesting_xrefs = ['EMBL', 'GO', 'Pfam', 'Ensembl', 'KEGG', 'PDB', 'GeneID', 'SUPFAM']

names_to_ignore = [
    'Flags: ',

uniprot_load_dict = {
    'Acnum': [],
    'Names': {
        'Full': '',
        'AltNames': []},
    'GeneRefs': {
        'Names': [],
        'AltNames': [],
        'OrderedLocusNames': [],
        'ORFNames': []},
    'Ensembl': [],
    'KEGG': [],
    'EMBL': [],
    'GO': [],
    'Pfam': [],
    'SUPFAM': [],
    'PDB': [],
    'GeneID': [],
    'RefSeq': [],
    'MGI': []}

[docs]class UniProtParser(object): """Wraps the Uniprot parser """ def __init__(self, tax_ids_to_parse): """ :param tax_ids_to_parse: list of NCBI taxonomy identifiers we are interested in :return: """ self._ignore = [False, 2] self.interesting_lines = interesting_lines self.interesting_xrefs = interesting_xrefs self.names_to_ignore = names_to_ignore self._single_up_dict = {} self.uniprot = {} self.parsed = False self.tax_id_list = tax_ids_to_parse
[docs] def parse_xref(self, line): """ Parses an xref line from the Uniprot text file and updates the provided dictionary with the results of parsing :param line: """ if 'EMBL; ' in line and 'ChEMBL' not in line: contents_list = line.split(';') if len(contents_list) > 4: package = {'Accession': contents_list[1].strip(), 'ID': contents_list[2].strip(), 'status': contents_list[3].strip(), 'type': contents_list[4].strip().strip('.')} else: package = {'Accession': contents_list[1].strip(), 'ID': contents_list[2].strip(), 'status': contents_list[3].strip(), 'type': ''} self._single_up_dict['EMBL'].append(package) if 'GO; GO:' in line: self._single_up_dict['GO'].append(line.split(';')[1].split(':')[1].strip()) if 'Pfam; ' in line: self._single_up_dict['Pfam'].append(line.split(';')[1].strip()) if 'SUPFAM; ' in line: self._single_up_dict['SUPFAM'].append(line.split(';')[1].strip()) if 'Ensembl; ' in line: self._single_up_dict['Ensembl'].append(line.split(';')[1].strip()) self._single_up_dict['Ensembl'].append(line.split(';')[2].strip()) self._single_up_dict['Ensembl'].append(line.split(';')[3].strip().strip('.')) if 'KEGG; ' in line: self._single_up_dict['KEGG'].append(line.split(';')[1].strip()) if 'PDB; ' in line: self._single_up_dict['PDB'].append(line.split(';')[1].strip()) if 'GeneID; ' in line: self._single_up_dict['GeneID'].append(line.split(';')[1].strip()) if 'RefSeq; ' in line: self._single_up_dict['RefSeq'].append(line.split(';')[1].strip()) self._single_up_dict['RefSeq'].append(line.split(';')[2].split(' ')[0].strip()) if 'MGI;' in line: self._single_up_dict['MGI'].append(line.split(';')[2].split(' ')[0].strip())
[docs] def parse_gene_references(self, line): """ Parses gene names and references from the UNIPROT text file :param line: """ words = [x for x in str(line[2:].strip() + ' ').split('; ') if x != ''] for word in words: if 'ORFNames' in word: for subword in word.split('=')[1].strip().split(','): self._single_up_dict['GeneRefs']['ORFNames'].append(subword.strip()) if 'OrderedLocusNames' in word: for subword in word.split('=')[1].strip().split(','): self._single_up_dict['GeneRefs']['OrderedLocusNames'].append(subword.strip()) if 'Name=' in word: for subword in word.split('=')[1].strip().replace(',', ' ').replace(';', ' ').split(): if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$", subword): self._single_up_dict['GeneRefs']['Names'].append(subword.strip()) else: if '{' not in subword: log.debug("rejected %s: doesn't look like a valid name" % subword) if 'Synonyms=' in word: for subword in word.split('=')[1].strip().replace(',', ' ').replace(';', ' ').split(): if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$", subword): self._single_up_dict['GeneRefs']['AltNames'].append(subword.strip()) else: if '{' not in subword: log.debug("rejected %s: doesn't look like a valid name" % subword)
[docs] def parse_name(self, line): """ Parses a line that contains a name associated to the entry we are trying to load :param line: :return: """ if 'RecName: Full=' in line: self._single_up_dict['Names']['Full'] = line.split('RecName: Full=')[1].split(';')[0].split('{')[0] return '' if 'AltName: Full=' in line: self._single_up_dict['Names']['AltNames'].append( line.split('AltName: Full=')[1].split(';')[0].split('{')[0]) return '' if 'Short=' in line: self._single_up_dict['Names']['AltNames'].append(line.split('Short=')[1].split(';')[0].split('{')[0]) return '' if self._ignore[0]: if self._ignore[1] == 0: self._ignore[0] = False self._ignore[1] = 2 return '' else: return '' if ' Includes:' in line: self._ignore[0] = True return '' if any(x in line for x in self.names_to_ignore): return ''
[docs] def process_line(self, line, keyword): """ A function that processes a line parsed from the UNIPROT database file :param line: :param keyword: """ if keyword == 'ID': words = [a for a in line.split(' ') if a != ''] self._single_up_dict['ID'] = words[1] if keyword == 'AC': words = [a for a in line[5:].split(' ') if a != ''] for word in words: self._single_up_dict['Acnum'].append(word.split(';')[0]) if keyword == 'OX': tentative_tax_id = line.split('NCBI_TaxID=')[1].split(';')[0] if ' ' in tentative_tax_id: tentative_tax_id = tentative_tax_id.split(' ')[0] self._single_up_dict['TaxID'] = tentative_tax_id if keyword == 'DE': self.parse_name(line) if keyword == 'GN': self.parse_gene_references(line) if keyword == 'DR' and any(x in line for x in self.interesting_xrefs): self.parse_xref(line)
[docs] def end_block(self): """ Manages the behavior of the end of a parse block :return: """ if self._single_up_dict['TaxID'] in self.tax_id_list: self._ignore[0] = False self.uniprot[self._single_up_dict['ID']] = self._single_up_dict return copy.deepcopy(uniprot_load_dict)
[docs] def parse_uniprot(self, source_path): """ Performs the entire uniprot file parsing and importing :param source_path: path towards the uniprot test file :return: uniprot parse dictionary """ self._single_up_dict = copy.deepcopy(uniprot_load_dict) source_file = open(source_path, "rt") line_counter = 0 while True: line = source_file.readline() line_counter += 1 if not line: break keyword = line[0:2] if keyword == '//': self._single_up_dict = self.end_block() if keyword in self.interesting_lines: self.process_line(line, keyword)"%s lines scanned during UNIPROT import", line_counter) self.parsed = True return self.uniprot
[docs] def get_access_dicts(self): """ Returns an access dictionary that would plot genes names, AcNums or EMBL identifiers to the Swissprot IDs :return: dictionary mapping all teh external database identifiers towards uniprot IDs """ if not self.parsed: log.warning('Attempting to get access points to a non-parsed uniprot object') access_dict = {} for key in list(self.uniprot.keys()): for sub_element in self.uniprot[key]['KEGG']: access_dict[sub_element] = key for sub_element in self.uniprot[key]['Ensembl']: access_dict[sub_element] = key for sub_element in self.uniprot[key]['EMBL']: access_dict[sub_element['Accession']] = key access_dict[sub_element['ID']] = key for sub_element in self.uniprot[key]['Acnum']: access_dict[sub_element] = key for sub_element in self.uniprot[key]['GeneRefs']['Names']: access_dict[sub_element] = key for sub_element in self.uniprot[key]['GeneRefs']['AltNames']: access_dict[sub_element] = key for sub_element in self.uniprot[key]['GeneRefs']['OrderedLocusNames']: access_dict[sub_element] = key for sub_element in self.uniprot[key]['GeneRefs']['ORFNames']: access_dict[sub_element] = key return access_dict