bioflow.db_importers package


bioflow.db_importers.biogrid_importer module

bioflow.db_importers.complex_importer module

bioflow.db_importers.go_and_uniprot_importer module

bioflow.db_importers.hint_importer module

bioflow.db_importers.import_main module

bioflow.db_importers.phosphosite_importer module

bioflow.db_importers.reactome_importer module

bioflow.db_importers.tf_importers module

Module contents

This module manages the import of database connections into the Neo4j instance. In case the weights are presented as ID_1, ID_2, weight, the insertion can be done by adapting the “insert into the database” method from almost any database insertion.

Pasring and insertion of the files in the BioPax format is more complex - please refer to the Reactome parsing and inserting